Wednesday, August 10, 2016


I wanted to share my first concept instrumental album with you. Download link and description bellow.

About this album: 

Short instrumental pieces based on Christopher Vogler's 12 stages of The Hero's Journey. Monomyth expresses an introspective journey. It's concept starts in an post apocalyptical world where the Hero's mind being asleep in the dark, the unawareness, the “ordinary world”. Story develops as curiosity and questioning arrises in the Hero's mind, taking the initiative to “Do Something”, to wake up, to become... mindfulness. Trough out the journey the Hero faces mentors, challenges, temptations and finally its own transformation. Let your imagination be free while creating its own story. 

If this resonates with you. Please share! 

Cover Album by Cheche 

Sobre el álbum:

Piezas instrumentales cortas basadas en las 12 etapas de Christophet Vogler de “El Viaje del Héroe”. Monomyth explora un viaje instrospectivo. La historia comienza en un mundo post apocalíptico donde la mente del Héroe esta dormida, ciega, en el “Mundo Ordinario”. La historia se desarrolla al Héroe sentir el llamado de la curiosidad y custionamientos que lo llevan a tomar iniciativa para “Hacer Algo”... para despertar. Durante su travesía el Héroe se encuentra con mentores, desafíos, aprendizajes y finalmente su propia transformación. Deja que tu imaginación forme parte de esta travesía creando su propia historia.

Artwork: Cheche


Released January 1, 2016

Thanks for listening:
Composer: Manuel Pelayo /
Cover Album by Cheche

M. Pelayo

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